Sabre MK-3, MK-5, Sabre Red Phantom, Level III, Aerosol Grenade

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MSRP: $19.75 - $29.50

$16.59 - $23.99

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Mixed Availability


Compact, easy to carry and nonflammable, ideal product for SWAT, ERT, CERT & Armed Forces.

Challenging situations require a special product to give officers the upper hand. These very portable devices provide immediate deployment and deliver a pungent 10% OC delivering 1.33% Major Capsaicinoids. Superior to traditional OC options, these Aerosol Grenades deploy a fog delivery which does not require direct facial applications to incapacitate. SABRE RED PHANTOM Aerosol Grenades are available in two sizes and deliver up to 200% more OC per second!
  • Crowd Management
  • Area Denial
  • Area Extractions (Cells, Indoor Rooms / Attics / Crawl Spaces, Confined Areas / Barricades, Holes / Caves)
  • Very Easy to Use
  • Hits Hard
  • Decons Easy

Extracting and controlling enraged, combative and aggressive subjects is a difficult task which emergency response teams encounter on a regular basis. OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) has been proven to be the ideal tool to gain a tactical advantage during these dangerous scenarios.

A few challenges exist when deploying traditional OC into confined areas: Cross Contamination, Decontamination & Clean Up. PHANTOM OC uses a High Volume, Evaporating Delivery System to specifically address these challenges. Increased propellant causes the microscopic OC droplets to disappear after only a few feet from the canister’s nozzle leaving very little residue on the surrounding areas. With PHANTOM clean-up is simplified by removing people from the contaminated area. Fresh air assists with the remaining decontamination.

At 10% OC measuring 1.33% Major Capsaicinoids, PHANTOM’s Evaporating Delivery provides a Level III contamination from SABRE RED’s very powerful Level III formulation.

Incorporated with built-in safety systems, light weight portability for ease of use, backed by independent health studies and cost effectiveness, PHANTOM quickly ends dangerous situations with less personnel involvement. With the addition of the SABRE RED PHANTOM to your arsenal, you’ll escalate your aerosol irritant projectors, not your level of force.

Aerosol Grenades can be used for vertical or horizontal deployment resulting in distinct distribution patterns.


  • AG-PTM-10
    • 1.8 ounces
    • Empties in 6 Seconds,
    • 25 per case pack
  • AG-PTM-40
    • 4.0 ounces
    • Empties in 14 Seconds
    • 20 per case pack

MAJOR CAPSAICINOIDS (MC) – This is what makes your OC spray hot! MC delivers pain, irritation, inflammation, coughing, temporary blindness and redness of skin. Measured via High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), MC is the only accurate strength indicator. MC represents the strength of the entire formulation or the spray which is projected from your canister. OC effectiveness increases with sprays containing higher MC content.

SCOVILLE HEAT UNITS (SHU) – Don’t believe the hype. SHUs only measure the strength of raw OC which by the way is diluted from 90 to 98% percent! SHUs do not measure the strength of the spray projected from your canister! They are NOT an accurate measure of pepper spray strength.

OLEORESIN CAPSICUM (OC) PERCENTAGE – Only measures the amount of OC within the formulation. Who cares how much you use if it is not hot?

Labeling: All canisters are labeled with a protective Mylar over lamination cover which resists wear and water damage. Canisters are labeled with the shot pattern, batch number, serial number and expiration date. Individually serialized canisters permit easy identification and link to formulation batch numbers for quality assurance tracking.

Quality Control: Security Equipment Corporation maintains quality control system in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for the following:

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Tests:

  • Operation Test
  • Discharge Duration Test
  • Intermittent Discharge Test
  • High Temperature Exposure Test
  • One Year Time Leakage Test
  • Temperature Cycle Test
  • Operating Weight Test
  • Gasket Dependability Test
  • Hydrostatic Pressure Test
  • Pressure Vessel Test

Federal Regulations: Security Equipment Corporation certifies that all units comply with the following:

  • 29 CFR 1910 - Occupational Safety And Health Standards
  • 16 CFR 1500.130 - Labeling of self-pressurized canisters


Before deciding to purchase a pepper spray, you should check with your local law enforcement department for specific laws on possession of, permissible uses of, and restrictions on pepper spray products in your city, county, or state. The following states have shipping restrictions on pepper spray:

States and Districts Where Pepper Sprays are Restricted

  • New York: Sold in pharmacies and by licensed firearms dealers. Animal sprays ordered online are legal.
  • Massachusetts: Sold by licensed firearms dealers. Animal sprays ordered online are legal.
  • Wisconsin: Pepper spray only, no stronger than 10% concentrate. Safety features required. Weight allowed 15-60 grams.
  • California: Weight restricted to 2.5 ounces (about 70 grams).
  • Washington D.C.: You must register with the police for possession of pepper spray.