CTS 12ga Super-Sock Bean Bag Impact Round, Box of 5

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Unprecedented accuracy and consistent impact at all ranges.

Create a dedicated less-lethal shotgun for your unit with orange less-lethal shotgun stocks and forends from Hogue. Fits for the Remington 870, Mossberg 500, and Mossberg 590.

Add a Streamlight TL-RACKER orange forend with an integrated weapon light to add more capability to your less-lethal shotgun. Fits available for the Remington 870, Mossberg 500, and Mossberg 590.

A revolutionary beanbag cartridge. The Model 2581 Super-Sock is delivers unprecedented accuracy and consistent terminal impact characteristics at close-in and extended ranges, thanks to the flexible tubular material bag specially developed for this unique less than lethal round. Super-Sock is a safer and more effective round due to its accuracy and consistent transfer of kinetic energy to the target. Unlike traditional flat bags, no "unfolding" is necessary. Super-Sock is correctly deployed as soon as it exits the muzzle. No frisbee or wind surfing effects. No hitting the target folded or sideways. When deployed, super-sock presents a consistent aerodynamic shape every time, delivering consistent and predictable terminal performance. Fits cylinder and improved cylinder 12ga shotguns chambered for 2.75" & 3" cartridges.

  • The same aerodynamic shape every time, as soon it exits the muzzle
  • Consistent terminal impact characteristics at close-in and extended ranges
  • Safer and more effective due to superior accuracy and consistent energy transfer
  • No hitting the target folded or sideways
  • No frisbee or wind surfing effects
  • Potent 40 gm sock projectile provides effective stopping power with relative safety
  • Fits most 12ga shotguns chambered for 2.75" & 3" cartridges
  • Ships in box of 5
OfficerStore holds the PA State Contract at this price. Please call 800-852-6088 for details.
Purchase, shipment and use of these products subject to legal restrictions.

Danger: Shots to the head, neck, spine, thorax or heart can result in fatal or serious injury. 
For use only by qualified personnel trained in the use of these products.


  • Projectile Weight 40 gm
  • Cartridge Material Plastic
  • Projectile Material Shot filled Ballistic Fiber Reinforced flexible sock
  • Overall Height 2.40” (61mm)
  • Overall Weight 56 gm.
  • Terminal Velocity 280 fps (average) at 10 yards


  • Compatibility: Cylinder and Improved Cylinder 12ga. Shotguns chambered for 2.75” and 3” cartridges.
  • Accuracy: 4” or better at 20 yards using a cylinder bore Remington 870.
  • Terminal Effects: Super-Sock™ is designed to deliver its kinetic energy over a relatively large area and impart a Less-Lethal impact to the target. It may cause bruises, skin abrasion and other injuries associated with blunt trauma.
  • Deployment: The Super-Sock™ projectile is in its deployed state immediately upon exiting the weapon barrel. It does not require a minimum range to “unfold” or “stabilize”. Optimal ranges are between 5 and 20 yards. However, it is stressed that shot placement rather than deployment range is the critical factor in determining the extent of injury caused. Shots to the head, neck, thorax, heart or spine can result in fatal or serious injury.

U.S. Patent # 6,202,562 B1 And Patent Des. 429,792